Let us know what you are looking for and we will connect you with the factory that can produce the best Style-Quality-Innovation-Price shoes.

We connect buyers with factories.

We are the sales and export department of shoe factories in Spain. We work directly from factory to footwear buyers. We offer services, such as best factory advice, supervision and control of manufacturing process and quality control. We are backed by an experience of more than 36 years in the shoe industry.
Our Services
Our Services

Great Business Solutions for Buyers

Connection of buyers with factories

We know the factory that can make your shoes for sure.

New prototypes developing

We can also help you developing new styles you might wanto to make for your project.

Samples process control

We control the samples manufacturing process for you to get them in the right way and quickest time.

Factories catalogues sending

We will send you the catalogues of the factories that can suite best you.

Orders manufacturing control

We control the order manufacturing process to make sure your shoes are made properly and on time.

Quality control inspections

We make the proper quality inspections and advise you about the situation of your orders, from start to finish.


Buyers we have connected with the appropriate factories


Factories we have helped


Years experience in shoe market


Technical and new development ideas

About Us

Professional And Dedicated Services

SPANISHSHOES.biz strengths have always been a great passion for shoes, stylistic intuition, innovative product design and a dynamic business spirit.

01. The Great Mission
02. The Key to Success
03. We connect buyers with factories

Everyone working for our Company pools their skills and qualities together to develop, get items produced.

Only collections that embody the best Style-Quality-Innovation-Price combinations.

Our knowlege in shoes industry gives us the chance to work with the best factories.

Business Sustainability is the philosophy behind the entire supply chain process and starts from a team that has been working together from day one with real passion and true commitment.

To achieve the highest standards and to meet customer
needs in terms of product design and quality, competitive pricing and delivery terms.

We know that your success is our success.

We manage our clients with the factories that best suit their needs (factories in Spain)

Our experience and knowledge in the manufacture of footwear and close work with the best factories in Spain mean that we can connect buyers like you with the factories.

Factories that can best manufacture your orders, in value for money. We also control the entire process from start to finish, so that you are calm and secure.

Work Steps

Our Work Process

Propose the best factory to make your orders

We make a selection of the factories that can make best the shoes you want to be made.

Sampling process

We control the samples manufacturing process for you to get them in the right way and quickest time.

Orders manufacturing process

We control the order manufacturing process to make sure your shoes are made properly and on time.

Quality control

We make the proper quality inspections and advise you about the situation of your orders, from start to finish.

Companies we have worked with



If you have questions about our work or you have any query, do not hesitate to contact us.

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